Soap cutter 1
June 10: As I alluded to in the handmade soap blog, cutting soap is tricky without expensive, purpose built equipment. It’s easiest to use a knife and hope for the best, but some sort of guide certainly comes in handy. Some molds have a little stopper and a knife guide built into them, but when you’re making soap in a PVC pipe, that’s not a luxury you’re afforded.
I decided to print this one out of plastic, mostly because I didn’t have the time or patience to make something really nice out of wood. (I hope to remedy this next week with soap cutter 2) The slot provides a vertical knife guide to make ¾” thick circles of soap, which are just about perfect.
I’m sorry all this stuff that I’m making is 3D printed. I had intended on making something much cooler tonight, but I ran out of time. I’ll start posting a lot more handicrafts as this project progresses.