Bathroom remodel

June 14: Remodel What started out as a five-minute project of replacing the door molding with something that didn’t have a hole in the bottom of it turned into a day of remodeling. We’ve wanted to replace the light fixture and paint the place for a few months now, so this seemed like the time to do it.  It’ll continue into tomorrow. For now, the ceiling paint must dry. I’ll call “Buy all the stuff for the bathroom and start working on it” a project that  completed. Right?

June 14: Remodel

What started out as a five-minute project of replacing the door molding with something that didn’t have a hole in the bottom of it turned into a day of remodeling. We’ve wanted to replace the light fixture and paint the place for a few months now, so this seemed like the time to do it. It’ll continue into tomorrow. For now, the ceiling paint must dry. I’ll call “Buy all the stuff for the bathroom and start working on it” a project that completed. Right?